ZTT focus on submarine equipment technology together with Zhejiang University

2015/10/8 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


ZTT and Zhejiang university has cooperated in the submarine photoelectric technology and signed the cooperation agreement on 21 Sep, 2015. The official start of this co-building research center would immensely promote the development of national submarine photoelectric technology and engineering technology.

Currently, ZTT has cross-linked cable ranging from low, middle, high and super high voltage, submarine optical cable in deep and shallow sea, submarine composite cable, series of submarine umbilical cables and its accessories.  Voltage of cross-linked cable, cross-linked submarine cable and direct current submarine cable separately range from 10kV to 500kV, 10kV to 220kV and ±80kV to ±320kV.

Technology of submarine cable provided by ZTT is widely used in China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum & Chemical (CPDC), State Grid, China Southern Power Grid (CSPG), China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, five national power generation Groups, main projects of new energy.

Furthermore, the products, which its total operating amount is over 5,000km and exporting amount is over 1,000 km, have been sold to many countries, such as America, Italy, Turkey, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Vietnam, Australia and so on.

The signing of the cooperation agreement on establishing comprehensive cooperative partnership between ZTT and Zhejiang University would significantly promote the development of the key technology for submarine equipment and marine industry.